
Media Archive

On this page, you can watch our latest videos and learn more about our projects. We are always with you with the content we have prepared for you!

Uploading excel files of customer vehicles and orders to Dynaroute environment

Welcome to Dynaroute. In this film, I will show you how to upload vehicles and orders data from customer excel files to the dynaroute environment. In addition, during the transfer, you will see how the latitude longitude information is converted into vehicles and customer locations with the address geocoding method in a real application environment. I wish you a good watch.


Manual creation of customer zones & zonal optimisation of routes

Hello, welcome to Dynaroute. Today I will show you how to manually create customer service zones and how to create routes in these zones with the zonal optimisation tool. Our work area is the city of Phoenix, Arizona and we will optimise visit routes to 279 pharmacies with 14 rep.

Automatic Clustering of Distribution Zones & Zonal Route Optimisation

Dynaroute is the world’s most advanced AI powered dynamic routing software, you can create your delivery zones in seconds and optimise your routes at the speed of light. In this movie, we will show you how to optimise distribution routes to 300 supermarkets in Chicago with a total of 10 vehicles. With Dynaroute software, we will automatically divide the orders into 10 clusters according to the delivery quantities and vehicle capacities in the fleet, then we will obtain customer visit sequences of the routes within the formed zones.

Automatic Multi Vehicle Route Optimisation

Delivery route optimisation with 10 vehicles to 300 supermarkets in the city of Munich. Using AI-Powered Dynaroute, you can create and share your routes with your drivers in just 5 minutes

Drag & Drop in Dynaroute

Today I will show you the route optimisation and drag&drop feature in the Dynaroute for the maintenance of 120 banks and atm points with 4 technicians in Las vegas city.

About DynaRoute Video Archive

All the movies in our video archive above were created using the unique features of DynaRoute software and real data. In each movie, you will discover a different feature of DynaRoute and you will definitely see that it provides a solution to a real route optimization problem you encounter in the real world. Enjoy watching.